Professional packaging machinery China Supplier

Resure Intelligent Technology

Specializing In Manufacturing Packaging Machine

Vacuum packing machine, pouch,bottle and cup filling machine, sealing machine, multi-function packing machine, wrapping machine, aplied for packaging of food, chemicals, water, medical, electronic components.


Automatic cup filling machine is widely used in various kinds of plastic cup for liquid filling and sealing. It can automatically finish the process of filling,sealing

Bag filling machine is frequently used for packaging powders, granules, liquid. These bags are engineered to self-close after filling …

Multi-function packing machine is suitable for biscuits, packaging of all kinds of objects with regular solid state, such as bread ,speed wheaten food …

A sealing machine is a machine that seals the container filled with packaging. Packaging containers are made of many materials, such as paper, plastic, glass …

Shrink Wrapping Machine creates poly bags of heat sensitive shrink film around your product.An attached Shrink Tunnel then applies heat to the bag …

Bottle filling machine is the transformation and innovative products of the Company with reference to foreign advanced filling machine technology …

First of all, let’s understand what vacuum packaging is. The main function of vacuum packaging is to remove oxygen …

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With more than 25 years of packaging equipment manufacturing experience, we are proud of our service quality and will succeed in finding a solution that meets the specific needs of our customers.

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